Welcome to Politics

The study of politics is more than learning about how politicians have made decisions in the past or what they are doing in the present, it is about understanding the way in which politicians and the choices they make influence nearly every aspect of our everyday lives.

You cannot be a successful student of politics without engaging in the wider world and what is happening in it. To that end, this year, we are starting a blogging project with our incoming A-Level students at BISS.

You will be responsible for following this blog, creating your own using Blogger and your Google account and following and commenting on each other's blogs. You must blog once a week and do this in your time outside of lessons.

Your participation in our digital discussions will help enhance your understanding of the politicised world we inhabit and better flesh out your ideas and opinions about that world.

In light of accusations after the Grenfell Tower fire, we are starting with the issue of class and the question: does class still influence decisions we make today in the UK?

The Deputy Leader of the Labour Party clearly thinks so and his comments about the victims being 'murdered by political decisions' has come under fire. http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/2017/06/26/grenfell-fire-backlash-john-mcdonnell-claims-blaze-victims-murdered/?scrlybrkr=527f7a07

What do you think?


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